Academic expectations

We have high expectations for your child, and we know that you do, too! Here are some tips to help your student adjust to the academic demands of 6th grade.


Help your student learn to manage assignments by...
  1. Checking the assignment notebook with him/her each night. Students write the homework for each class in their assignment books every day. A quick check-in with parents will ensure that homework gets done.
  2. Checking Schoology. Teachers post homework assignments on Schoology, and often post digital copies of worksheets and resources.
Homework grading: If homework is late, the student will lose credit. Consistently late homework will result in further consequences.

If your child struggles with an assignment: Students shouldn't spend more than 30 minutes a night on each subject. If your child gets stuck, have him/her finish as much as possible. Then the student or a parent should follow up by sending an e-mail or a note to the teacher. Students may make arrangements to get extra help before or after school.

Homework onlineWe use Schoology and Google Docs for many assignments. Your child can also get access to resources for all subjects on our Schoology pages, and on the Day Library web page. If your child doesn't have access to a computer at home, teachers will arrange extra time to complete the assignment at school.
  • If your computer goes down: send the appropriate teacher a note and we'll make other arrangements for your student to complete the assignment.


Making up missed work after an absence is the student's responsibility.
  • Students who are absent for one day should check in with teachers the next day to make up any classwork or homework they missed.
  • Students who are absent for two or more days must see the teachers when they return, either before or after school. We will make a plan for making up missed work.
Checking Schoology or checking in with a classmate is always a good idea for keeping track of classwork during a prolonged absence.


Indigo Team teachers are often available before school. Students are encouraged to come in after 7:30 a.m. for help if they are struggling with a homework assignment.

Students may also make arrangements to stay after school for help, depending on the individual teacher's schedule.