Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Newsletter 1

This is our first weekly newsletter! We will be posting one almost every week to keep you updated on what we are doing in each subject.

Math- This week in math, we have been starting for the Unit 3! This unit is about ratios, specifically unit rate and unit price.

Science- This week in science we have been making lots of graphs and learning about mass. We have been doing some exciting labs in which we learn about how volume affects mass.

Social Studies- This week in Social Studies we are L.E.A.P.ing into Latin America. We are learning about language, land, religion, daily life, arts, sports and history. We are also enjoying some songs about the capitals in the countries. You can listen to it here.

English- This week in English we are diving into Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit even more. Many students are finishing it this week. On Friday we had a Tuck Everlasting Vocabulary test.

Happy Holidays!